BlackBerry Curve 9380 or the user manual has been published by Blackberry at their website (blackberry.com). This BlackBerry Curve 9380 user guide is provided in PDF document format (331 pages, 15.11 MB) which can be downloaded directly to the BlackBerry Curve 9380 smartphone and read using a PDF reader application that you can get the Blackberry App World. BlackBerry Curve 9380 manual provides complete information and instructions on how to operate the BlackBerry Curve 9380 mobile phone properly.
Table of Contents BlackBerry Curve 9380 User Guide:
- Quick Help
- Tips and shortcuts
- Phone
- Voice commands
- Messages
- Files and attachments
- Media
- Ring tones, sounds, and alerts
- Browser
- Calendar
- Contacts
- Clock
- Tasks and memos
- Typing
- Keyboard
- Language
- Screen display
- GPS technology
- Compass
- Maps
- Applications
- BlackBerry Device Software
- Manage Connections
- Bluetooth technology
- NFC technology
- Smart accessories
- Power and battery
- Storage space and media cards
- Search
- SIM card
- Security
- Service books and diagnostic reports
- Synchronization
- Accessibility options
- Calculator
- Glossary
Download BlackBerry Curve 9380 User Guide.PDF