If there are obstacles or problems with your phone, as the best solution before contacting a service center motorola, read all important instructions in the manual Motorola Gleam+ . But if you lose the Motorola Gleam+ manual, you can download it directly through the official website of motorola. As information for you, after we read Motorola Gleam+ owner, there is some important information such as operating manual, telephone layout, learn the basics of the phone, using an application such as a camera to take pictures, radio, using the web to access the internet. Then about tips and tricks guide, such as connecting bluetooth guide, safety information and much more. For information about Motorola Gleam+ specification or a full specification, you can read in the following list of content to Motorola Gleam+ user review.
Table of contents Motorola Gleam+ manual :
- Welcome
- Your phone
- Let’s go
- Basics
- Personalise
- Messages
- Calls
- Contacts
- Photos & videos
- Radio
- Tips & tricks
- Bluetooth
- Music
- Web
- Menu map
- Display
- Battery use & safety
Motorola Gleam+ specs:
- GSM 900/1800(WE) GPRS class 12
- Dimensions: 107 x 52.5 x 13.5mm
- It has 2.8” WQVGA (400 x 240) 260K TFT CLI: 144 LEDS
- Available 50MB and support expandable up to 16 GB (microSD)
- Equipped 2 mega pixels camera
- Support: FM radio, WAP 2.0, MP3 playback; FM radio W/RDS; AAC, AAC+, MP3, MIDI, AMR NB, AMR WB, WAV
- Connectivity: USB 2.0 high speed, Bluetooth 2.1, micro-USB charging & data (USB 2.0 HS) and 3.5mm headphone jack
- 750 mAh battery capacity
Download free pdf manual from motorola.com here: Motorola Gleam+ Manual (English)