HP Slate 500 Manual User Guide - As the owner or user of either of these phones, try to read carefully step by step from the manual for the HP Slate 500 when you have been operated properly and according to the procedure, then it will be useful for your tablet durability. If there are obstacles or problems with your tablet, as the best solution before contacting HP support center, reading all the important instructions in the HP Slate 500. But if you lose the manual HP Slate 500 users, you can download it directly through the official website of hp. As information for you, after we read the owner's manual HP Slate 500, there is some important information such as Looking for more information about your new Slate, Using the touch screen, on-screen keyboard and digital pen, using the keyboard on the screen, identify the hardware, build wireless connection, using WLAN, using the operating system control, setting and Protect WLAN, Bluetooth and Internet Connection Sharing (ICS), identify the components of multi media, camera, set the power options, using battery power, use the SD Card Reader card, use a USB device, Slate protect you, Installing critical updates, using antivirus software, Updating programs and drivers, using the BIOS Setup, the BIOS Updating, Restoring factory settings in the BIOS Setup and more. For information on HP's Slate 500 specifications, you can read in the following table of contents to review the HP Slate 500 manual
Table of contents for the HP Slate 500 manual:
- Getting started
- Knowing the parts
- Networking (select models only)
- Multimedia
- Power management
- External cards and devices
- Drives
- Security
- Updating software
- BIOS setup
- Index
HP Slate 500 specification and features:
- Dimension: Width 9.2 in; Depth 0.6 in; Height 5.9 in
- It has 8.9-inch display
- Used Microsoft’s Windows 7 Operating system
- Supported 1.86 GHz Intel Atom Z540 processor
- Intel Graphics, Media Accelerator, 64GB SSD memory, 1080p video
- Equipped with 3 mega pixels backside camera and front-facing VGA webcam
- Connectivity: WiFi and Bluetooth
- Flash support, SD card slot, USB and HDMI port
- lithium polymer battery