Verizon ZTE Adamant Manual User - On this phone, of course, a lot of applications and features you need to try. For that, as a reference or guidelines do not forget to read the manual or user guide PDF Verizon ZTE Adamant. As the owner or user of either of these phones, try to read carefully the manual step by step from Verizon ZTE because when you Verizon Adamant ZTE has been operated properly and according to the procedure, then it will be useful for your cell phone durability. If there are obstacles or problems with your phone, as the best solution before contacting a service center ZTE, read all instructions in the manual is important that Verizon ZTE Adamant. But if you lose with Verizon ZTE Adamant manual, you can download it directly through the official website of the sprint. As information for you, after we read the owners manual Verizon ZTE insist, there is some important information such as phone picture section, tutorial Installing the Battery, SIM Card Installation, Turn Your Phone, Lock / Open your phone, set-uo witch, Updating Contacts and assistant backup, using applications such as email settings, camera, and web browser.
Then using a guide such as bluetooth and connect appsm settings, phone settings such as voice guidance and display settings, call settings, Software Update via PC instructions, safety information and much more. Verizon ZTE specifications for Adamant / specifications, you can read below after listing the contents of the manual Adamant ZTE.
Table contents Verizon ZTE Adamant user manual :
- Welcome
- Getting Started
- Basic Operation
- Calling
- Contacts
- Messaging
- Mobile Web
- Media Center
- Bluetooth
- Tools
- Settings
- Software Updating via PC
- For Your Safety
- Consumer Limited Warranty
Verizon ZTE Adamant specs and features:
- Dimensions: 4.3" x 2.40" x 0.47"
- It has 2.40 inches, TFT LCD, 240 x 320 pixels resolution and support 65K colors
- Available 256MB/128MB and support expandable Micro SD, up to 16 GB
- Equipped 2.0 megapixels camera
- CDMA 1X: 800, 1900MHz
- GSM:800, 850, 1800, 1900MHz
- Connectivity: Bluetooth 3.0,USB 2.0 HS
- Support: Opera Mini browser for access internet, MP3/AAC+/MPEG4/H.263/H.264, MO/MT SMS, EMS, MMS, Email
- 1000mAh battery capacity
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